Our Mission and Vision

Mission Statement: 

To bring hope and healing to the community through professional counseling and care rooted in biblical principles.

The vision of iHope Christian Care and Counseling, Inc. is to be a distinctly Christian counseling center serving individuals, families, couples, and ministry leaders with affordable counseling and care. We are committed to offering hope and healing through Jesus Christ. As Christian counselors, we are called to bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captive, and comfort those who mourn. iHope desires to be an extender of the local church, offering counsel to those going through a season of difficulty. We are a support and resource for local pastors and for our community. Many people desire counseling and healing offered through Jesus Christ, but they do not know where to turn, cannot afford counseling, or are unaware of available resources. iHope is intended to be a resource within reach of anyone who wants help.


iHope operates by five core values. These values guide our counseling work, education, and interactions with the community and are grounded in Scripture.

  • Christ-centered
    Remain consistently true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his Word in Scripture
    John 15:1-8
  • Kingdom-minded
    Engage with the local church to care for and connect clients to the body of Christ
    Acts 2:42-47, Romans 12:4-5
  • Ethics, Integrity, and Excellence
    Maintain the ethical standards of the American Association of Christian Counselors (see the AACC Code of Ethics), practicing with integrity and competency
    Proverbs 11:3, Proverbs 28:6, 1 Peter 3:16
  • Accessibility
    Be a resource within reach of anyone who needs help.
    Philippians 2:5-8, Galatians 6:2, Proverbs 22:9
  • Whole-Person Care
    Serve and care for each person’s holistic health – spiritual, mental, relational, physical, and emotional health and wellness.
    Matthew 22:36-39, Matthew 14:14-21


We at iHope seek to intentionally partner with churches and ministries to meet three areas of need in our community: our pastors’ need for trusted resources, availability of Christian counseling, and keeping costs affordable.

  • A pastoral resource: Pastors often recognize that some people need care and counseling beyond what they or their church can offer. A nonprofit committed to care and counsel rooted in biblical principles is a helpful resource for many local churches.
  • Christian counseling: Many people desire specifically Christian counseling that will help make the connection between their faith and the issues of life.  Strengthening individual faith and life lived in community is a unique offering of Christian counseling.
  • Affordable costs: Locally, counseling sessions cost an average of $120 per session. Many people cannot afford this, but do not have access to health insurance that will help to cover the cost, or they quickly reach the limit of what insurance can offer. Counseling at iHope ranges from only $40-$60 per session. That’s half the cost.

Partner with us to support the iHope counseling ministry! A gift of only $14 per month to support our presence and mission here at 1414 W. Evans Street.